Download a copy of this document by clicking <JRGC Range Safety Rules 12-28-2021>
Jasper Rifle and Gun Club
Range Safety Rules & Procedures, Revised December 28, 2021
These Range Safety Rules are yours to keep and refer to – Do NOT return with membership application.
These Range Safety Rules and Procedures have been established to ensure the safety of those individuals who use this facility and the public at large. The rules, regulations and procedures in this document are to ensure the continuity of this facility and the continued safety of yourself and the neighbors of this facility.
The use of the ranges at the Jasper Rifle and Gun Club is a privilege, and the use of firearms is an inherently dangerous activity. Your activities and actions must always be conducted in a manner that is consistent to safeguard yourself and others against harm or injury, and property against damage and destruction. The rules in this safety plan shall be adhered to in order to protect the lives and safety of all, and preserve your privilege.
Please review and be familiar with these rules. Members are strongly encouraged to keep these rules in their equipment box. These rules are not all encompassing of each firearm safety practice. Ultimately, each individual is responsible for any and all actions related to the safety of their firearm activity participation.
Failure to follow the Range Safety Rules and Procedures will result in your removal from the range and possible legal action. The JRGC Executive Committee shall have the authority to take immediate action to suspend range privileges of members found violating the safety rules.
Section 1 – Rules for Safe Gun Handling, Use, & Storage
1.1 ALWAYS keep the gun pointed in a safe direction.
A “safe direction” means that the gun is pointed so that even if it were to go off it would not cause injury or damage. The key to this rule is to control where the muzzle or front end of the barrel is pointed at all times. Common sense dictates the safest direction, depending on different circumstances.
1.2 ALWAYS keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.
When holding a gun, rest your trigger finger outside the trigger guard alongside the gun. Until you are ready to fire, do not touch the trigger.
1.3 ALWAYS keep the gun unloaded until ready to use.
Whenever you pick up a gun, always keep the gun pointed in a safe direction, keep your finger off the trigger, engage the mechanical safety if possible, and remove the ammunition source (magazine and ammunition from chamber).
1.4 Know your target and what is beyond.
Be absolutely sure you have identified your target beyond any doubt. Equally important, be aware of the area beyond your target. This means observing your prospective target area before you shoot. Never fire in a direction in which there are people or any other potential for mishap. Think first. Shoot Second.
1.5 Know how to safely use the gun.
Before handling a gun, learn how it operates. Know its basic parts, how to open and close the action safely and how to remove safely any ammunition from the gun or magazine. Remember a gun’s mechanical safety device is never foolproof. Nothing can ever replace safe gun handling.
1.6 Be sure the gun is safe to operate.
Guns need regular maintenance to remain operable. Regular cleaning and proper storage are a part of the gun’s general upkeep. If there is any question concerning a gun’s ability to function, a competent gunsmith should look at it.
1.7 Use only the correct ammunition for your gun.
Most guns have the ammunition type stamped on the barrel. Ammunition can be identified by information printed on the box and sometimes stamped on the cartridge. Do not shoot the gun unless you know you have the proper ammunition.
1.8 Wear eye and ear protection as appropriate.
Guns are loud and the noise can cause hearing damage. They can also emit debris and hot gas that could cause eye injury. For these reasons, safety glasses and ear protection are recommended.
1.9 Never use alcohol or drugs before or while shooting.
Use of alcohol or drugs before or during live fire is strictly prohibited. If a person is taking a prescription, over the counter drug bearing a warning about operating machinery, driving etc., or any substance which adversely affects their individual performance, that person will refrain from engaging in shooting activities until free from the effects of the drug or substance.
1.10 Cased or bagged firearms are considered safe to move to or from ranges.
NEVER case a loaded firearm. ALWAYS check your firearm when casing/uncasing to verify they are not loaded. Keep the firearm pointed in a safe direction while casing/uncasing. If a firearm is unable to be holstered or cased, the action must be open and it must be pointed muzzle up while moving on or off the firing line. The firearm must be pointed in a safe direction until it is secured in a vehicle, placed at a shooting position and pointed downrange, or placed in a rack at the rear of the firing line area.
Section 2- Firing Line Rules
2.1 Anyone, anywhere on the range, may call a cease fire upon noticing any unsafe act or safety issue. Stop whatever you are doing, take your finger off the trigger, and wait for instructions.
2.2 Know where people are at all times. The downrange (target) area must be checked and cleared before any firing commences. No person is allowed forward of the firing line while the range is “HOT”. Call a cease fire immediately if any person on the range moves forward of the muzzle of any firearm while shooting is in progress.
2.3 Remove the magazine or cartridge feeding device, unload the chamber, open the action, and bench or rack all firearms during a cease fire or when the range is not “HOT”. Muzzleloading firearms are considered unloaded when there is no cap present or there is no powder in the tray.
2.4 There will be no handling of firearms on the firing line during a cease fire. There will be no handling of firearms on the range while people are downrange during a cease fire. Firearms and their component pieces (i.e. magazines, scopes, bi-pods etc.) shall not be touched until the range is declared “HOT”.
2.5 Targets must be mounted within the wooden frame of the target holder or on a target stand so that ALL bullets, shot, etc. DIRECTLY strike the earthen berm. Targets must not be placed on the ground due to the danger of ricochets.
2.6 Shoot only at the target mounted in front of your lane. Cross lane firing is prohibited. Firing diagonally across the range can result in ricochets, rounds not impacting the backstop, and/or rounds exiting the range area. Do not fire from one range to another range.
2.7 When firing always keep the muzzle of your firearm pointed downrange at the backstop or earthen berm.
2.8 Cease fires for target placement or retrieval may be called every 15-20 minutes, or when all shooters agree to a cease fire. Be sure everyone is behind the firing line and has eye and hearing protection in place before declaring the range “HOT”.
2.9 At no time may a loaded firearm be left unattended on the firing line.
2.10 Never fire from the front of the firing line. No firearms are to be carried downrange.
2.11 Uncontrolled fire is strictly forbidden on any of JRGC’s ranges. Uncontrolled fire is defined as the rapid and uncontrolled expenditure of rounds without aiming the firearm.
2.12 If a misfire occurs, keep the firearm pointed downrange at the backstop for at least 30 seconds before proceeding. If it is a muzzleloading firearm, keep it pointed downrange at the backstop for at least 2 minutes before proceeding. Misfires must be cleared before anyone is permitted downrange.
2.13 If a firearm malfunction occurs on the firing line, and the firearm cannot have the action opened or live cartridges cannot be removed due to the malfunction, the owner is responsible to make it as safe as reasonably possible, and follow the rules for casing it and move it with the muzzle pointed up to their vehicle for transportation.
2.14 Alcoholic beverages are not permitted in the firing line area. Absolutely no handling of firearms after alcohol has been consumed.
2.15 No smoking on the firing line. No smoking within 25 feet of an uncased muzzleloading firearm or muzzleloading components.
2.16 If you are carrying a holstered firearm, do not handle it or draw it unless on a firing line.
2.17 You may establish a temporary firing line forward of the formal firing line to shoot from a reduced distance. All shooters using the range simultaneously must agree on a single common firing line.
2.18 Be aware that certain types of guns and many shooting activities require additional safety precautions.
Section 3 – General Range Rules
3.1 Targets are restricted to paper, cardboard, or plastic bottles or jugs filled with water or compressed air. No soft drinks. No glass, appliances, or other materials may be used. Steel targets are allowed, but the shooter is responsible for proper placement of steel targets to ensure bullets and fragments impact the earthen berms and do not leave the range or ricochet off the premises. See Section 4. Targets and plastic bottle debris must be removed from the area after use or must be disposed of in trash receptacles.
3.2 It is the member’s responsibility to provide their own paper targets and stapler to hang targets. Cardboard backers are provided and can be found next to the soft drink machine at the Club House. Center the paper targets to prevent damage to the target frames and high enough so bullet will impact the earthen backstop and not the ground. Remove your targets after use and return useable cardboard to the cardboard bin.
3.3 Absolutely no centerfire rifle or bottleneck calibers allowed on 10-Yard Pistol Range.
3.4 No tracer, incendiary or exploding ammunition is allowed to be fired on the range.
3.5 No concussion explosives such as Tannerite, Star, SureShot, Shockwave, or similar products may be exploded on the premises.
3.6 Shooting benches on any range are not to be moved forward of the designated firing line.
3.7 Unsafe or damaged firearms are not allowed on the range.
3.8 Absolutely no glass containers of any type are allowed on the range.
3.9 Shooting at rocks, glass, range props, equipment and/or furnishings is grounds for expulsion from the Club.
3.10 No shooting into side berms is allowed without approval from the Executive Committee or club-designated Range Safety Officer.
3.11 Club members are responsible to clean up the range upon completion of shooting. Remove all targets from the downrange area. Pick up the brass around your shooting bench and place it in the brass bucket at the rear of the range. Feel free to leave fired centerfire brass on a bench for another shooter if you don’t reload ammunition. A dumpster for targets and cardboard is provided for your convenience. Note: Dumpster is for JRGC use only. NO personal items except for range cleanup items may be put in the dumpster.
3.12 Do not climb any of the Club’s safety berms. The berms are there for your safety and protection.
3.13 Additional Range and Safety Rules may be posted as required on any of the firing lines. Please obey any posted rules or safety procedures as listed on these signs.
Section 4 – Steel Target Rules
4.1 Steel targets must be placed so that all rounds fired at the steel target will directly impact the backstop if they miss the steel.
4.2 Steel targets must be placed within 3 feet of the base of the backstop berm.
4.3 Damaged or visibly dimpled steel targets must not be used.
4.4 NEVER shoot steel shot at a steel target.
4.5 Eye protection is REQUIRED for all shooters AND spectators when shooting any steel targets.
4.6 Use only AR500 steel or other steel targets designed as rifle/pistol targets.
4.7 Steel targets are only allowed on the 100-Yard Range, 50-Yard Range, and 25-Yard Range.
4.8 Steel targets are NOT allowed on 10-Yard Range or 25/50-Yard Range.
4.9 Anyone shooting centerfire rifle calibers at steel targets must shoot at a 100-yard minimum distance.
4.10 Anyone shooting shotgun slugs or buckshot at steel targets must shoot at a 50-yard minimum distance.
4.11 Anyone shooting 22 Long Rifle rimfire at steel targets must shoot at a 10-yard minimum distance.
4.12 DO NOT shoot low velocity ammo (below 750fps) at any steel target. There is not enough bullet energy to fragment the bullet.
Section 5 – Shotgun Range Rules
5.1 Only shotguns are allowed to be fired on the trap range.
5.2 All firearms must be unloaded with the action open, when not on the firing line pointing downrange.
5.3 All shotguns must be unloaded and actions open when moving between stations.
5.4 Break action shotguns can be closed while in the racks, but must be opened before carrying anywhere on the range.
5.5 Only size 7.5 to size 9 or smaller shot is allowed. No buckshot or slugs on this range.
5.6 DO NOT shoot at targets placed on the ground.
5.7 DO NOT shoot at targets placed on the trap houses.
5.8 There is a stand available to mount a patterning target on the trap range, or you may pattern shotguns on the rifle ranges.
5.9 Personal trap throwers may be used on the shotgun ranges. NEVER position a manually operated trap forward of the firing position. Automated traps may be placed forward of the firing position if desired.
Section 6 – Administrative Range Rules
6.1 Any non-member who is not accompanied by a club member in good standing will be asked to leave immediately and may be prosecuted for trespassing.
6.2 Club members are required to produce their membership card at the request of any other member.
6.3 Children under 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult club member at all times.
6.4 Lost & Found: Members continue to leave items behind at the range, and other members are great about finding and reporting them. Please notify an Executive Board member if you lose or leave something valuable at the range. The same goes for finding other member’s items. If you take possession of found property, it must be reported to a Board Member within 24 hours.
6.5 Spectators shall stay behind the firing line at all times. If not firing, spotting or training, spectators shall not be in the firing position area. Spectators on the range shall wear eye and hearing protection.
6.6 No pets are allowed in the range area. Should a wild animal enter the range area, a cease fire must be called until the animal is off the range. No hunting is permitted on JRGC premises.
6.7 JRGC shooting hours are 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM, and are strictly enforced.
6.8 JRGC facilities may be reserved by groups as approved by the Executive Committee. Exceptions to range rules may be granted by the Executive Committee as needed by special groups using the range.
6.9 Fires, open flames, or charcoal fueled cooking devices are prohibited on the JRGC premises unless prior approval is granted by the Executive Committee.
6.10 Report violations of any range or safety rules to any Club officer or director as soon as possible. If possible, get a name, license plate number and/or photo of any individual violating Club rules.
6.11 For Emergencies call: 911. The physical address of the range is: 2188 E. Gun Club Road, Jasper, Indiana 47546.
6.12 No notices or signage shall be posted on any range facility without the permission of the Executive Committee. The only exception is a notice of a safety issue. Please notify any member of the Executive Committee of any safety issues that requires immediate attention.
6.13 No construction on, alteration to, digging or depositing of soil, planting or removal of vegetation, mowing, burning or any modification to the range and or related facilities is allowed.
6.14 The Executive Committee shall have final authority concerning JRGC facilities.
6.15 These rules are put in place by and may be changed, amended, or rescinded at any time by approval of the Executive Committee.
6.16 All federal, state, and local laws, in addition to JRGC rules and regulations shall be obeyed while on the premises.
6.17 Intentional and deliberate destruction or vandalism of target frames, range signs or other Club property will result in the member being charged for the costs to repair/replace the damage, expulsion from the Club and have possible criminal charges filed.
6.18 Previously expelled members cannot be a guest of any Club member.
6.19 Various ranges may be closed for member use and general shooting during scheduled Club matches. Consult the Club website at for a listing of scheduled Club matches.
6.20 Archery is allowed on the 5 ranges with backstops. Targets must be placed at the base of the berm. Archery shooters and firearm shooters can share a range as long as there is a common firing line for both.
6.21 No Club property may be removed from the premises without prior permission from the Executive Committee.
6.22 For general information about the range, email or visit our web site at
6.23 Absolutely no parking on the roadway easement running through the JRGC property. Please ask a club officer if you are unsure where the easement is.
6.24 Live and recorded audio and video surveillance on Club property will be monitored. By entering the premises, you agree to be audio and video recorded.
Section 7 – Guest Policy
7.1 A guest is anyone that is not a paid-up member in good standing of the JRGC.
7.2 No member shall bring more than two guests to the range at any given time.
7.3 It is the responsibility of the host member to be certain their guests are familiar with and abide by the JRGC range rules and policies.
7.4 The host club member assumes full responsibility of their guests and absolves the JRGC of any and all liability.
7.5 Only one guest at a time may be on the firing line and the host club member shall exercise direct supervision over the guest on the firing line.
7.6 The host club member shall not engage in live fire while supervising his/her guest.
7.7 Each adult guest is permitted one visit to the range before making application for membership.
7.8 Guests who are minors, under the age of 18, are not restricted to the number of visits.
7.9 Non-members who are attending a scheduled Club match, training course and other published events are exempt from these guest policies (7.1 through 7.9).
Section 8 – Automated Gate System
8.1 The automated gate system is intended to provide the maximum level of security with a minimum amount of inconvenience to our members.
8.2 Club members are required to enter their 5-digit access code using the keypad.
8.3 When the gate opens, members have 30 seconds to drive through and clear the gate area.
8.4 Members are to be cognizant of other vehicles behind them and not allow them to drive through without following the access protocols.
8.5 The system is programmed to only allow one way access within a given time period per each member.
8.6 If the gate is locked in the open/closed position, do not attempt to close/open by force.
8.7 Members found forcing the gate open or closed thus damaging the system will be charged for the cost of repairs and expelled from the JRGC.
8.8 If you think the gate is malfunctioning, call the Club President as listed on our website
8.9 When leaving the Club property, drive your vehicle over the embedded sensor on the right side of roadway. The gate will open and you will have 30 seconds to drive through the gate. Do not allow vehicles on the outside to enter without following the access protocols.
8.10 The gate shall be kept closed at all times except when the range is being used for a scheduled Club approved event. Feel free to enter the Club premises without entering your gate code for these events.
8.11 Members shall not give out their gate code access number for any reason. Any member that gives their gate code to another individual has compromised the safety of the Club and shall have their membership suspended and possibly revoked.
Closing Summary
These Range Safety Rules and Procedures are intended to provide a safe shooting environment and encourage safe and responsible use of firearms. These range safety rules are intended to make your activities safe, convenient and enjoyable for everyone concerned. Please follow the basic rules of common sense, safety and courtesy.
All members and guests are expected to follow JRGC’s rules and policies. You alone are responsible for your actions. The Club’s insurance DOES NOT protect you from any dangerous or negligent acts you commit. You are responsible for EVERY round fired from your firearm; from the time you fire it to where it lands.
This Range Safety Rules and Procedures are not intended to limit the Executive Committee in enforcing safe and responsible use of the premises. The Executive Committee can limit use of the range beyond the Range Safety Rules set forth above if it deems any use or act to be unsafe or irresponsible. Additional rules may apply to JRGC-sanctioned events.
Thank-you for helping us in keeping the Jasper Rifle and Gun Club a safe and secure place to shoot!
-JRGC Executive Committee